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DBM Eqvion - White Paper
EQVIONs mission is to enable a digital global currency and use the existing bank- payment infrastructure that benefits billions of people and companies.
This document describes our plans for a new Global Digital Base Money (GDBM) with value based currency Eqvion, which aims to create a new opportunity for people and companies and creates a responsible innovation in the financial industry.
Problem Statement
The Internet have given billions of people worldwide access to the world’s knowledge and information, and a wide range of useful services. These services are now available with a smartphone or computer from almost anywhere in the world. The Internet has fueled its own power by giving more people access to the financial ecosystem. Together, technology companies and financial institutions have found solutions to increase financial co-determination worldwide. Despite these advances, the national (Fiat) currency and cryptocurrency are major obstacles to further development. The world’s population must use some national currency in the global economy. Digitization is experienced in almost all aspects of society, we are global as well as our consumption patterns, savings, investments, trade and travel. People and businesses all over the world want to trade with each other, experience the stability of the global community and take advantage of the opportunity it has to offer. But everywhere we face the same problem: currency exchange, currency value, currency risk. But the existing financial ecosystems with national currencies (Fiat) as a base are not well in sync with the global trends and market needs, and the crypto currency systems, due to their limitations, cannot offer a fully functional financial solution that the development of our civilization needs. We believe that collaboration and innovation with the financial sector and technology companies, including regulators and experts in various industries, is the best way to ensure that a sustainable, safe and reliable currency will support this need and global economy.
The Opportunity
As we embark on this journey together, we believe it is important to share our conviction to adapt the community and ecosystem we intend to give rise to around GDBM Eqvion:
We believe that many more people and businesses should have access to a common digital currency and synchronized financial services to support their lives and work.
We believe that people have an inherent right to exploit the fruits of their legal work.
We believe that a global, digital currency will create economic opportunities and more trade around the world.
We believe that people, companies and nations will experience stability and economic growth.
We believe that a global currency and financial infrastructure must designed and managed as a general good.
We believe that we all have a responsibility to promote economic integration, support different cultures and constantly maintain the integrity of the ecosystem.
Introducing Eqvion
We are living in a digital era. Internet and the portable online devices have radically transformed the way we use and exchange information, and the way we exchange money. Money has been digitalized in many ways and we can now, for instance, transfer bank deposits electronically and pay with e-money.
Using money around the world should be as easy as in a national state with domestic currency and even easier and safer, no matter where you live, what you do or how much you earn. The security of your financial assets should be almost unlimited and your long-term financial activity secure.The unit of currency is called “Eqvion”. Eqvion will need to be accepted in many places and easy to access for those who want to use it. In other words, people and companies need to have confidence that they can use Eqvion. The value of Eqvion is equivalent to the development of the world economy and represents it in real time. Unlike the majority of national (Fiat) /digital-currencies, Eqvion has genuine value. The value of Eqvion is determined by the world economy and has higher stability than any national (Fiat) /-digital currency. Our independent advisors and auditors are responsible for the monitoring and ensuring that Eqvion has the genuine value.
GDBM Eqvion, EMI Eqvion ECGI Eqvion is supervised by by national (domestic) regulatory authorities and and international regulatory authorities,
Eqvion company (spin-off of wbw logic) develops and operates Eqvion currency. Global value-based Digital Base Money opens up opportunities for the international economy. Essential to the Eqvion DBM (Digital Base Money) is to maintain an amount of money unchanged on the world market.
Eqvion is created to be used in existing bank accounts, payment infrastructures and complies with the international regulations.
The Global Digital Base Money
Eqvion can be issued exclusively with the exchange of any national currency, at its current exchange rate, and may be reversed into any national currency.
Eqvion is a financial instrument that fulfills the basic functions as a medium of exchange unit of account, store of value, and standard of deferred payment. The function as a medium of exchange allows efficient transactions of goods and services among the general public, companies and individuals without forming any inconvenient barter system. The unit of account enables the value of all goods and services to be expressed in common criteria, thereby simplifying the comparison of goods and services and facilitating their transactions. The store of value refers to any asset, whose value can also be used in the future because of the ability to maintain its value, thereby enabling people to save in order to finance their spending at a later date. In addition to these three basic functions, the function as a standard of deferred payment is regarded as an additional important function of money, since it enables it to express the value of a debt, so that people can purchase goods and services today by paying back the debt in the future
Value-based Global Digital Base Money
The Global digital currency Eqvion is designed to be a global digital currency. This means that anyone with Eqvion has a high degree of assurance that they can convert their digital currency into local currency (Fiat) based on EGCI exchange rate.The base for Eqvion is the International economic situation, and taking into account historical global economic growth, it is an indicator of the development rate of exchange. Eqvions huge difference from national currencies is that it is free from currency intervention by national banks or any currency manipulation by other actors.
Difference between Eqvion and other currencies
Eqvion is an independent genuine value currency, unlike national currencies (Fiat), whose value and currency control are performed by National Central Banks or Cryptocurrencies, stable digital cryptocurrency, whereas each unit of Eqvion has its own genuine value.
Equion´s structure enables issuance of units of Equion according to global demand without limit to serve the global economy with individual value of each Eqvion unit.
The Eqvion Currency and value
Eqvion is a genuine global currency – not because of its designation it is global currency because of the global value built into Eqvion.
Eqvion is a Digital Currency (digital money, electronic money or electronic currency) and available only in Digital Form.
Floating exchange rate: The exchange rate of Eqvion is based on the (EGCI) and it is completely independent of the amount of trading in the Eqvion currency. Eqvion is not nationally bound, and therefore it reflects the development in the international economics. The exchange rate is presented primarily in Euro, U.S. dollars, Renminbi and then in the other national currencies.
Genuine value: Eqvion can be issued exclusively with the exchange of any national currency at its current exchange rate and may be reversed into any national currency. The value in Eqvion is determined by the world economy and has higher stability than any national currency. Our independent advisors and auditors are responsible for monitoring and ensuring that Eqvion has the genuine value.
Global pricing and payment currency: International pricing and payment currency equal to: Euro, U.S. dollars, Renminbi Eqvion is the World trade base currency. Eqvion´s advantage is that it makes the global market as easy to handle as the home market.
Store value: The base for Eqvion is the International economic situation and taking into account historical global economic growth it is an indicator of the development rate of the exchange. Eqvions huge difference from national currencies is that it is free from currency intervention by national banks or any currency manipulation by other actors.
What’s Next for Eqvion
Our focus is on launching Eqvion in the second half of 2024.
We are preparing for the construction of EMI Eqvion and our technical platforms: Central Account, EGCI and Exchange Department in accordance with the Eqvion Directive
Construction of the Eqvion technical platform:
- Eqvion EMI/ Central account responsible for Institution of electronic money and registered issues
- EGCI index responsible for determining the Eqvion exchange rate
- GEP Global Eqvion Participation responsible for global expansion and marketing
- GED Global exchange department responsible for exchange Fiat currencies and Eqvion
Social impact program
We will identify social impact and develop a social impact program, and parallel this we will establish a Social Impact Advisory Board.
Co-investment program
In 2023, we will identify and invite partners and investors who want to develop Eqvion together with us
How to Get Involved
Global economy has relied on foreign trade in national currency, accepting the disadvantages that follow national currencies in international trade.
Eqvion Participation
Global digital currency Eqvion is designed to be a global digital currency and it is designed to open up new business opportunities and bring new revenue to you and your customers.
If you are a:
Financial institution, Personal banking, Corporate banking , Investment banking, Private banking
If you are a:
Payments technology company
If you are a:
IT company, Fintech company, who wish to co-develop Eqvion with us. Welcome to tell us how you can contribute as co-develop and what benefits Eqvion will get with your participation.
For contact use email: co-develop@eqvion.com
The world needs a global currency that connects people above geopolitical interest, that has focus for prosperity and peace digital currency that combines the qualities such as: stability, broad global acceptance and efficiency. The Eqvion currency is designed to help with these global needs and aims to expand how money works best for people and businesses around the world.
This is the goal of Eqvion: A global, digital currency, based on equivalent value in the global economy and is governed by the independent Department of the Eqvion Currency. Our task is to create better, more useful money and global financial services “ no matter who you are, where you live, what you do, or how much you own.
Global economy “ Digital economy pushed forward finances and technology on their way to achieving true global currency in order to serve people and companies on their work and journey through the world. We have achieved the first step on the journey. We have created the first genuine global digital currency, and we ve given it the name Eqvion.